Introduction to Fauvism eLearning Module

This module was designed for adult learners studying the history of Modern Art movements, including Fauvism.

Audience: adult learners, university students
Tools: Articulate Storyline, Canva, Google Slides


With this project, I wanted to challenge myself to reformat a video tutorial I created using Google Slides, Zoom, and Kaltura.

With my original Google Slideshow as a guide, I created an outline of the information I wanted to carry over from the video presentation to the Storyline module in MS Word. I then added any new information I thought might be beneficial in a learner-guided experience. I then storyboarded all content, objects, interactions, and triggers in MS Word.

Functions showcased: interactive buttons, markers, motion path animation, tabs, quizzes, custom player, navigable menu, glossary of terms

Snippet of the Google Slideshow I reformatted into this Storyline module.